
Your place for Solace in Sound.

Since its debut in 2009, the Hypnagogue Podcast has guided listeners through 90-minute trips into the worlds of ambient, electronic, and contemporary instrumental/New Age music and beyond. Each new episode offers an engaging blend of styles and artists. The music ranges from electronic to acoustic, light to dark, accessible to experimental, beat-filled to quietly drifting, and never takes the same route twice.

You can easily subscribe to the Hypnagogue Podcast through Apple Podcasts, TuneInStitcher, Podbean, or your favorite podcatcher. (Here’s the RSS feed address.) Or, have a link to new episodes emailed to you — there’s a box on the menu to the right. Welcome aboard.

The Hypnagogue Podcast — Solace in Sound.

6 thoughts on “About

  1. Congratulations on 200 shows John!! Seems like only yesterday you had hit the 100 mark. Keep ’em coming – I really REALLY enjoy the shows!

    – Kevin Bond

  2. Hi John. Tony from Leeds UK here. I found your podcast through your guest spot on Matt Borghi’s ambient soundbath. Great show. I spend an inordinate amount of time on trains to London and back, and your work gets me through many a journey (including right now). Glad you’re out there. Tony

    • Welcome, Tony! Glad to have a Soundbather come over for a listen. I hope the flows here also help smooth out your train time! Enjoy.

  3. Hi John! I really enjoy this show. Congrats on hitting 300 eps! I have a question: I listen to most of my podcasts through Downcast. The feed you have available on has 6 episodes on it, is there a feed available that has the entire catalog available? Thanks! I appreciate your hard work.

    • Hey, Daniel. Welcome aboard. The weird answer to your question is: I don’t know. So many of these podcast aggregators reach out on their own, without my even being aware—Downcast is a pretty good example. Never heard of it until now. It varies, and I honestly don’t keep track. For example, TuneIn has about 25 shows listed, but Podbean has 5. The problem is probably that my RSS feed emanates from the now-largely defunct Feedburner, and I’m leery about changing it in case I screw it up and poof goes the podcast. Perhaps I’ll figure that out at some point. Meanwhile, there are 100+ shows to dig through on the site at any given time, and another 150 or so stashed at archive.org. (See the link in the right-hand menu.)

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